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Juanita PotgieterOct 7, 2020 4:46:01 PM5 min read

Upgrading to the latest version of your ERP is vital to your business

Are you hesitant to upgrade to the latest version of your ERP system?

You don’t need to be. We understand bringing change to your business may seem daunting…but it’s important you do so.


You’ll be missing out on new features, product and performance enhancements, compliance updates and changes to security measures.

ERP software vendors work hard to improve their product. These upgrades are rolled out via software upgrades and allow clients to experience the product at its best capability.

As part of software maintenance plans, upgrades are made readily available. However, you may not have the time or desire to upgrade your software. You may be comfortable with how it works already. Perhaps you’re concerned that your business processes will need to change. Or you’re worried the upgrade will potentially fail. These are valid concerns. However, your vendor tests an upgrade thoroughly before making it available. This minimises any disruptions to your business. Supporting documents are provided to you once a release is made available, so you’ll know of the new features or improvements that are included within a release.

Businesses who use ERP software may be on versions at least two or three years old. However, it is important to remember that upgrading to the latest software version can bring an array of benefits to your business. ERP solutions will always evolve to meet the advancements in technology and meet the needs of their clients.

The benefits of upgrading to the latest version

Comply with new government regulations

New government regulations and legislations pass each year. They usually focus on how you pay your staff or the security of your data. As these new legislations roll in, your software needs to comply with these regulations. Your ERP software vendor works to ensure that the software you use remains compliant with new laws or changes to them. That’s why it is vital to stay up-to-date with the latest version. Versions that are several years old may no longer be compliant.

Boost automation

An upgrade could provide you with time-saving features that improve the way you run your business. Software systems are continually automating manual tasks and removing unnecessary paperwork, allowing you to focus on what matters most and furthering business success. Additional features like new reports, data entry automation tools or even a simple check box, could become time saving features you’ll never be able to benefit from if you don’t upgrade to the latest version.

Safeguard your data

Your ERP software vendor will always look to enhance the security of your system in consideration of new technology threats and government regulations. It is important to consider the measures that you have currently in place to safeguard your data. Upgrading to the latest version of your ERP software is the best defence when it comes to data protection.

Older versions may no longer be supported

The ERP software version some businesses may be using could be several years old. Your ERP software vendor focuses their attention to improve the current version. In time, the vendor won’t have the bandwidth to support older versions. To ensure the version you are using is fully supported and compliant, upgrade to the latest version.

Run at optimal performance

Upgrades may include performance improvements in addition to new features or compliance updates. If a feature within your ERP solution is running slow or a report is taking too long to download, upgrading to the newest version could resolve these performance issues.

Enrich the user experience

The latest version of your ERP system can enrich the user experience. New UI updates that enhance the look and responsiveness of the product can help increase usability and productivity for you and your colleagues.

Stay competitive

If you are adamant in keeping the same version you have been using for years, then there is a risk that you can get left behind. Your competitors could be using the latest software which could automate how they run their business and enhance how they interact with their customers. There is a possibility that you can run the risk of falling behind or have customers move to competitors who use the latest technology and provide a faster, more accurate and personalised experience.

Upgrading made simple

Upgrading your software can impact several departments within your business. Before upgrading, it is important to make your staff aware an upgrade is coming. Advise them of the functionality, performance and security improvements the upgrade can bring to the business. This will help ensure your staff is on board with the upgrade. Also, make sure your business has an upgrade plan in place. Allow plenty of time to train users and for staff to adapt to any new processes.

To ensure the smoothest upgrade, it is best to contact your vendor or partner. They can walk you through the upgrade process as they know your business and the ERP system inside out. Your vendor or partner will inform you and your colleagues of any major changes. They will provide you with all the supporting materials you need to make a seamless transition to the latest version.

The benefits of an upgrade will outweigh the disadvantages to you, your staff and business. Putting off an upgrade can bring detrimental effects to your business, such as non-compliance and data security threats. Support for the version you’re using may also stop. End-users may also feel the negative effects of using an outdated system, impacting the day-to-day performance of your staff.

Upgrading to the latest software version will bring enormous benefit to your business. It will enhance the user experience, optimise performance and improve your interaction with customers. Most of all, it can introduce advanced technology that will give your business a competitive edge. Upgrading is also crucial to remaining compliant with new government regulations and keeping up-to-date with the latest security measures.

Your upgrade checklist

  • Allocate budget for software upgrade period
  • Dedicate a time period to rollout the upgrade
  • Review all release notes and training materials
  • Decide on what new features you’re going to utilise
  • Create a testing environment when necessary
  • Complete internal training and education
  • Go live with new version
  • Start budgeting for the next upgrade period

Juanita Potgieter

With over 20 years’ experience in various marketing and business development fields, Juanita is an action-oriented individual with a proven track record of creating marketing initiatives and managing new product development to drive growth. Prior to joining Verde, Juanita worked within strategic business development and marketing management roles at several international companies. Juanita is certified in both MYOB Acumatica and Oracle NetSuite.