Although the MYOB Advanced platform already has a broad breadth of capabilities, this evolving set of needs is why MYOB Advanced has two major releases a year, an Autumn and a Spring release.
MYOB Advanced Autumn Release 2022.2 is the next release that adds a wide range of new features across the entire MYOB Advanced system. This blog provides an overview of the major new features in this release – for full information on all of the changes, see the 2022.2 Release Notes here.
Financials / CRM
- General Ledger transactions approval
- Some companies require an approval process for journal transactions in the general ledger. Starting in 2022.2, MYOB Advanced makes it possible to release and post GL transactions only after they have been approved by an authorised employee. The system assigns the appropriate approver, which it determines based on an approval map defined by a company administrator, either unconditionally or if the transaction meets the specified conditions. These conditions depend on the properties of GL
transactions, such as the amount or account. When multiple approvals are required, they can be configured to occur in parallel or in sequential steps (a multistep approval).
- Some companies require an approval process for journal transactions in the general ledger. Starting in 2022.2, MYOB Advanced makes it possible to release and post GL transactions only after they have been approved by an authorised employee. The system assigns the appropriate approver, which it determines based on an approval map defined by a company administrator, either unconditionally or if the transaction meets the specified conditions. These conditions depend on the properties of GL
- Multi-Currency - Dunning Letters and Contracts
- The Multiple Base Currencies feature was implemented in MYOB Advanced in 2021 R1, although it could not be enabled if multiple other features were enabled, including Contract Management. Thus, it was not possible for companies to use both contract management and multiple base currencies. Starting in MYOB Advanced 2022.2, contracts can be created and processed for companies in the same tenant with different base currencies. A contract can be successfully billed and an AR invoice can be created if the base currency of the contract's customer is the same as the base currency of the
originating branch in the AR invoice. - Also starting in MYOB Advanced 2022.2, the dunning process can be used and invoices with dunning charges can be created if multiple companies with different base currencies are configured in the same tenant.
- The Multiple Base Currencies feature was implemented in MYOB Advanced in 2021 R1, although it could not be enabled if multiple other features were enabled, including Contract Management. Thus, it was not possible for companies to use both contract management and multiple base currencies. Starting in MYOB Advanced 2022.2, contracts can be created and processed for companies in the same tenant with different base currencies. A contract can be successfully billed and an AR invoice can be created if the base currency of the contract's customer is the same as the base currency of the
- Dunning Letter Improvements
- On the Dunning Letter (AR306000) form, if the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled, the Currency field appears on the form and shows the currency of the dunning letter branch.
- Side Panels with Marketing Data for CRM Entities
- A side panel has been added to the lists of marketing campaigns and marketing lists, and a tab has been added to the side panels of the lists of business accounts and contacts. These side panels give a user the ability to view the list of records while simultaneously viewing (and modifying, if necessary) various information related to any record selected in the list.
- Ability to change Business Accounts in Opportunities and Sales
- Users can change a business account in an opportunity or a sales quote, even if the opportunity or the sales quote has rows added on the Details tab of the Opportunities (CR304000) or Sales Quotes (CR304500) form. Also, users can create sales quotes that are associated with the same opportunity for multiple business accounts (which may be prospects or customers).
- Relations Between Sales Orders and Associated Entities
- The ability to track and manage bidirectional relations between a sales order, an opportunity, and a sales quote has been introduced. Also, a user can track one-way relations between a sales order and a variety of records associated with it. These records include CRM entities and other system entities, such as an AR invoice, an expense receipt, a purchase order, or a supplier. While viewing a sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, a user can now manually associate any of these records with the sales order and view the associated records on the Relations tab.
- Convert Stock to Non-Stock Items (& vice-versa)
- Users now have the ability to change the stock status of items has been added. This means that users can now convert stock items to non-stock items and non-stock items to stock items. These new capabilities increase the versatility of item-related scenarios. A user can change the status of a specific item on the form where it was created or use a new mass processing form to change the stock status of multiple items. Also, an inquiry form has been added to display a log of converted items.
- Inventory Turnover Inquiry
- In previous versions of MYOB Advanced, a user could evaluate the efficiency of inventory management by using the functionality of ABC codes and movement classes.
MYOB Advanced 2022.2 introduces the new Inventory Turnover (IN407010) inquiry form. By using this inquiry form, a user can calculate the stock item turnover, item average inventory for the selected period, and the average number of days (DSI) required to turn the average inventory into sales.
Inventory turnover is one of the main indexes of inventory efficiency. This ratio can be used to achieve the following goals:
• Understand the number of times a stock item is sold and replaced during a period
• Calculate the number of days a stock item needs to be converted to sales
• Compare the benchmark ratio by the industry
- In previous versions of MYOB Advanced, a user could evaluate the efficiency of inventory management by using the functionality of ABC codes and movement classes.
- Copy Order Header Notes and Attachments to Shipments and Invoices
- Shopify/BigCommerce Connector Improvements
- Shopify introduced custom apps, which can now be used to connect a Shopify store to MYOB Advanced.
- Export Sales Orders to Shopify
- In previous versions of MYOB Advanced, it was impossible to export sales orders created or updated in MYOB Advanced to a Shopify store. Starting in MYOB Advanced 2022.2, an administrative user can set up the order export so that if a sales order has been created in MYOB Advanced, it can be exported to a Shopify store, and if a user changes a sales order that has already been exported, these changes can be synchronised with Shopify.
- Enhanced Product Availablity
- New Engineering Workbench
- A manufacturing engineer can now view, create, and modify a multilevel bill of material displayed in a tree structure by using the new Engineering Workbench (AM208100) form.
- Support for Blanket Sales and Transfer Orders in MRP
- For companies that have long lead times to produce a finished good or have long lead times for purchasing the components of a finished good, planning for future sales demand is critical to meet the dates when delivery to the customer was promised. These companies need material requirements planning (MRP) to include the lines of blanket sales orders as a part of the demand calculation. Blanket lines of a blanket sales order that are planned for dates in the future are now included in MRP and are processed similarly to forecasts. Child sales orders generated from a blanket sales order are also included in MRP and are processed the same as regular sales orders.
- During MRP, the system creates planned transfer orders for items that can be transferred from another warehouse and use the new transfer lead time settings to calculate the action dates for the orders—that is, the dates in the Action Date column of the MRP Display form.
- Exceeding Quantity (Operation)
- To give production managers the ability to minimise or eliminate these data entry
mistakes, the Exceeding Qty. for Operations setting has been introduced on the Production Order Types (AM201100) form.
- To give production managers the ability to minimise or eliminate these data entry
- Side Panels in Manufacturing
- A side panel has been added to multiple lists of records. A side panel is a navigation option where users can drill down to relevant details about any record they select in a list of records. A side panel may have only one tab with a form related to the selected record, or it may have multiple tabs. If the side panel has multiple tabs, a user views a tab by clicking its icon.
- Support for Multiple Base Currency
- Tracking Project Progress by Unit with new Progress Worksheets
- New functionality for tracking project productivity has been introduced. With this new functionality, employees working on a construction site can capture project activities on the unit level and track project progress by using a new type of document: progress worksheets. In the daily field report, a user can add cost budget lines and capture units used on the construction site during the working day. This functionality helps project managers to track project productivity and define the potential impact of these activities on the project schedule and cost budget.
- Change Order/Change Request Enhancements
- Additional scenarios have been implemented for change management. Now users can close change requests that are linked to cost-only change orders, cancel change orders and change requests, and keep rejected change orders and change requests without these rejected documents affecting the project budget amounts.
- Drawing Logs and Submittals forms for Construction Mobile App
- The new Drawing Log and Submittal mobile screens have been introduced. In the MYOB mobile app connected to an instance of MYOB Advanced 2022.2, the user can now view, create, and update drawing logs and submittals by using these screens.
- Signature Capture
- In Version 2022.2, the MYOB Framework provides a new static method for capturing a user's signature on a mobile device and storing it in a PDF version of the report. The method is defined in the PX.Data.Api.Mobile.SignManager namespace.
- Workspace Enhancements
- In the MYOB mobile app connected to an instance of MYOB Advanced 2022.2, a user can now select which of the following sections should be displayed on the main screen and change their order:
• KPIs
• Recently visited records
• Favourite screens and records
• Workspaces - Users can also now adjust the colour of the UI elements on the following screens according to the primary colour specified on the Companies (CS101500), Branches (CS102000), or Site Preferences (SM200505) form:
• Sign-In screen
• Main menu
• Workspaces
• Screens that correspond to MYOB Advanced forms
The app changes the colour automatically when a user signs in to the instance.
- In the MYOB mobile app connected to an instance of MYOB Advanced 2022.2, a user can now select which of the following sections should be displayed on the main screen and change their order: